Sorry, I have not been so good about blogging. Things have kept me busy.
I am working on a baby afghan. It is a soft green color. But, I am having a time with it. It should have been done long before this. I can't believe it is taking me this long. I am doing 5 rows of a stitches Hsc and then a row of popcorn stitches. It looks pretty. But I have got to the middle and when I make the popcorn sitch they don't line up with the other popcorn stitches. So rip out and start back over. Then I get it right and then continue then I have to rip again. I have done this patterns so many times I can't believe I am having such a problem with it. One area I had to keep ripping out. I didn't think I was ever going to get it right. I thought maybe I just am going to throw this out and be done with it. But I didn't. I just kept at it. This gave me a couple of thoughts. 1) Sometimes in life we have to keep going thru trails because we havn't got it right yet. 2. We keep praying for someone or something. It doesn't seem to be answered. So we think about forgetting it. But that next prayer might be the time you see it answered. Remember it is God's timetable not ours! 3. God isn't done molding us. These are just a couple of thoughts. If you think about it you can probably think of thoughts also about this.
How I Know I'm a Boy Mom (Ten on Tuesday)
9 years ago
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