Read through the Bible 2010”
1. Eze 4-6 God told Ezekiel in 6:11 to do something that would get the people’s attention, what was it he did? ____________________________________________________
2. Eze 7-9 How many men came from the way of the higher gate? ________________
3. Eze 10-12 The Lord told Ezekiel, Son of Man thou dwellest in the midst of what type of house? _____________________
4. Eze 13-15 Name the 3 men that could deliver only their own souls by their righteousness? ________________________________________________________
5. Eze 16-18 Write Out Ezekiel 18:23 ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
6. Eze 19-21 God said unto Israel, “What is the high place whereunto ye go?” The name thereof is called what? __________________
7. Eze 22-26 Write Out Eze 22:30. ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
8. Eze 27-29 God said he would give the Land of Egypt to what king of Babylon? ______ _______________________________________________________________________
9. Eze 30-32 How many times do you find the phrase “land of the living” in Ezekiel 32? __________
10. Eze 33-35 God has no pleasure in the death of the who? ______________________
11. Eze 36-38 The Lord set Ezekiel down in a valley which was full of what? ___________
12. Eze 39-41 How many months will Israel be burying Gog that they may cleanse the Land? __________________
13. Eze 42-44 What direction does the Gate face that God commanded to be shut? _______
14. Eze 45-48 Give the three names of the gates of the city northward? ________________ _______________________________________________________________________
15. Dan 1-3 King Nebuchadnezzar looked into the furnace and saw a fourth man that was like who? _________________________________
16. Dan 4-6 What king ordered Daniel to be thrown into the lions den? ________________
17. Dan 7-9 Who was it that flew swiftly to Daniel to give him understanding of his vision? _______________________________________________________
18. Dan 10-12 Write out Daniel 12:2. __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
19. Hos 1-3 What was the name of Hosea’s wife? _____________________
20. Hos 4-6 God said since his people had forgotten the law of thy God, He would forget who? __________________________________________
21. Hos 7-11 They have sown the wind and they shall reap what? __________________
22. Hos 12-14 For the ways of the Lord is right and who shall walk in them? ___________
23. Joel 1-3 For the Day of the Lord is near in what valley? ________________________
24. Amos 1-3 What is the answer to the question found in 3:3? ____________________
25. Amos 4-6 Write out Amos 4:12. ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
26. Amos 7-9 God states He is going to send a famine not of bread and water but of what? ______________________________________________________________________
27. Obadiah & Jonah How long was Jonah in the belly of the fish (whale)? ____________ ______________________________________________________________________
28. Micah 1-4 How did the heads of Jacob and the princes of Israel regard good and evil as found in 3:2? __________________________________________________________
29. Mic 5-7 What 3 things does the Lord require of thee? __________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
30. Nahum 1-3 Write Out Nahum 1:7. ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
How I Know I'm a Boy Mom (Ten on Tuesday)
9 years ago
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