Read through the Bible 2010”
1. Ps 130-134 It is good and pleasant for brethren to dwell together in what? ________
2. Ps 135-137 How many times in Psalm 136 do we find the statement “bless the Lord”? ________
3. Ps 138-140 Write out Psalm 139:17 ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
4. Ps 141-143 If the righteous smite you, it shall be what characteristic? _____________
5. Ps 144-146 Happy is that people whose God is who? _________________
6. Ps 147-150 In Psalm 150:4 there are 4 types of instruments listed, name all four? _____ _______________________________________________________________________
7. Pro 1-3 Whose understanding should we not lean unto? _________________________
8. Pro 4-6 The “Principal” thing that a person should get is what? ___________________
9. Pro 7-9 The fear of the Lord is to hate what? ________________________
10. Pro 10-12 “A righteous man regardeth the life of his” what? _____________________
11. Pro 13-15 “The heart of the righteous studieth to answer, but the mouth of the wicked poureth out” what? ____________________________
12. Pro 16-18 A fool hath no delight in what? ___________________________________
13. Pro 19-21 Write out Proverbs 21:23. ________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
14. Pro 22-24 Who should we not make friendship with? ____________________________
15. Pro 25-27 Faithful are the wounds of who? _________________________
16. Pro 28-31 What is it that a faithful man shall abound with? _______________________
17. Eccle 1-3 For in much wisdom is much what? _________________________________
18. Ec 4-6 Keep thy foot when thou goest where? _________________________________
19. Ec 7-9 Why is it that the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil? ______ _______________________________________________________________________
20. Ec 10-12 According to Solomon what is the conclusion to the whole matter of life? ___ _______________________________________________________________________
21. SS 1-4 What is it that spoils the vines? ______________________________________
22. SS 5-8 Write out SS 5:12. _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
23. Isa 1-3 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the what? ____________
24. Isa 4-6 How many wings do the seraphims have? _______________________
25. Isa 7-9 Unto us a child is born, list the 5 names he shall be called? ________________ ______________________________________________________________________
26. Isa 10-12 Who is it that is believed to be a rod out of the stem of Jesse? ___________
27. Isa 13-15 Who is Isaiah’s father? ______________________
28. Isa 16-18 “We have heard of the pride of” who? ________________________
29. Isa 19-21 The Lord rideth upon a swift cloud and shall come into where? __________
30. Isa 22-24 The Lord maketh the earth empty and waste and turneth it how? __________ _____________________________
31. Isa 25-27 Write Out Isaiah 25:8 ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
How I Know I'm a Boy Mom (Ten on Tuesday)
9 years ago
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